
Photo by Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash

What Denyse Allen is working on right now (updated July 24, 2024)

I had the privilege of speaking to the GRIP attendees at La Roche University on Tuesday July 16th about researching in Pennsylvania archives. They were a great audience and laughed at my jokes and cheered for the research wins.

Since I drove out to Pittsburgh, I took advantage of being in the area to stop at numerous historic sites. Met many passionate people working to preserve Pennsylvania's past. Their dedication is inspiring me to shift the focus of my work from genealogy to preserving the history of the Pennsylvania people.

I have even more travel planned for August, taking full advantage of everything summer offers.

Now a few photos of my travels, not to give too much away because I'll be sharing it in upcoming videos on YT.

Inspired by Derek Sivers Now page on his site and my own desire to be public about what I am working on.