All About the PA Ancestors Membership
PA Ancestors offers a membership for people who are going deep into their family history and want more help with their genealogy research.
Genealogy research can be confusing, because there is so much information on the internet. Sometimes just a little expert help can unlock huge discoveries in family history.
Other times there are family trees full of names and dates, but missing details like occupations, local events, and social activities. Learning these details helps in writing family history people want to read and share.
What's Included in the PA Ancestors Membership
The PA Ancestors membership program offers exclusive access to a wide range of educational resources and tools to help you take your Pennsylvania genealogy research to the next level.
As a member, you’ll get access to:
- In-depth tutorials and articles on Pennsylvania-specific records and research strategies
- Weekly premium newsletter on research topics with walk-throughs of how to find and use the records.
- Monthly Zoom calls where you can get personalized guidance on your research and connect with other PA Ancestors members
- Exclusive access to member-only resources, including research templates, checklists, and guides
- Discounts on PA Ancestors events and products
Not a Genealogy Society
Genealogy societies are great places to get county specific information. Some even offer records they have transcribed or indexed over the decades.
But few genealogy societies offer websites with resources available 24/7 for members. Most make their information available for 30 days at a time only.
Even fewer societies will provide one-on-one help to show you where to find the original records you want.
And there is no society in Pennsylvania that offers weekly newsletters to help you on your research.
Sneak Peak of Membership Content
Interested in the kinds of resources you get an a member?
Here's a preview of the education on the Prothonotary's office and the records they have. The Prothonotary's office is the most under-utilized source of records and has much to offer to researchers.
You Don't Have to Do It Alone
So if you’ve ever felt like…
- You are frustrated trying to find answers
- You've learned all that you can from Facebook groups
- You could solve your own research problems with a little extra help
- You just need to ask someone who has done research like this before
- You have a lot of collected records, but not sure if you have everything
- Your ancestors just appeared (or disappeared) and you need to learn local records to find them
Then the PA Ancestors Membership is for you!
See the membership levels and pricing here.
And if a paid membership is not for you, join my free membership and get the PA Ancestors Discoveries Newsletter on Wednesdays.
If you have any questions, you can send an email to PA Ancestors.
And if you are already a PA Ancestors Premium Member, you can log into your account here.
© 2019–2023 PA Ancestors L.L.C. and Denys Allen. All Rights Reserved.